Government to collect irregular emergency aid from 2.6 million people by SMS

11 de December de 2024, às 22:25 Qualitare
By Mouzalas ADV

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency aid has come to the rescue of many families, especially those dependent on informal work. However, there have already been cases of fraud and people who received unduly without actually being entitled to the aid.

Faced with this situation, in a letter from the Ministry of Citizenship, the government will demand the return of the benefit to 2.6 million people via SMS.

How and when should this campaign begin

In theory, the Ministry of Economy confirmed that the messages would be sent from the first weekend of December/2020. It is expected that 4.8 million SMS will be sent in total, already taking into account the possibility of having to send reinforcement messages to those who don't follow through with the return after receiving the first message. The total cost of sending these messages is expected to be R$162,000 to the government.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, if each of the irregular beneficiaries returns at least one installment of R$ 600, it is estimated that R$ 1.57 billion will be returned to the public coffers.

Learn how to return irregular emergency aid

Receiving the benefit without meeting the criteria established by the government is a crime, according to Article 2 of Law No. 13,982/2020. And this is regardless of whether it is linked to any fraud scheme.

To make the return, the person must enter the official website launched by the federal government:

You must access the system with your CPF and a Federal Tax Collection Form (GRU) will be generated for you to pay. When the undue amount is returned in full and confirmed, you will be exempt from the legal consequences described in art. 4, of Ordinance No. 351, of April 7, 2020.

Source: G1.